Friday, July 9, 2021

A Matter of Perspective

What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?  You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.   Psalm 8:4-5     πŸ‘‘

 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. I Corinthians 13:12

    On a recent trip, I had a window seat on the plane πŸ›§and managed to snap a few pictures.  It amazes me how man's footprint πŸ‘£is apparent all over the landscape.  After take off, the aircraft climbs very quickly and  objects below seem to grow smaller and smaller. Cars and people become indistinguishable.   We are as specks of dust.

This picture shows more detail as                                                         the plane was at a lower altitude.

Perspective is an important element in good photography.  What does the photographer want us to discover from the vantage point of the shot?  So many factors influence the perspective of a picture.  What angle is being used?  Does viewing the same scene in color have the same impact as seeing it in black and white?

How about these views of two different trees?  What makes them different? Are they the same in any way? Which would you say is taller? Older?


In this case, one shot shows a monument marker. The second one adds a person, and what is he doing?  Which one do you find more appealing?


Enroute LAX, we had to transverse mountains  πŸŒ„ that were 4,000 feet high.  These 2 views are of the same terrain, but which hills appear steeper?   How does the inclusion of the truck warning affect your perspective?

   Good photographers take multiple snapshots of the same subject, but the results vary with each click of the shutter.  We try to take the best picture that we feel will appeal to the most people.

    Our perspective in life is also key to our growth and well being. Is the glass half empty or half full?   πŸ₯ƒ   Does a loving Creator really care about us, who seem so small and insignificant?

    It has been hard to maintain a positive perspective as we come out of a pandemic that overtook our lives for months.  Our troops are pulling out of Afghanistan after 20 years of fighting and bloodshed.  Our TVs and newspapers report about the most recent shootings.  πŸ”«
All of these things make it difficult to remain hopeful.

    Yet, we witness selfless acts of courage and sacrifice daily. Messages of hope help us not to get stuck in the muck, but to focus on the promises of our Creator, to uplift one another, and to believe that a brighter tomorrow is coming.   Our perspective means everything. We do see in a mirror dimly, no?

 Keep the important subject inside the frame.   πŸ–Ό   Fine tune the picture.  Improvement is possible!  Just keep things in perspective.


Friday, May 21, 2021


Genisis 2:2     By the seventh day God finished all the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all the work He had been doing.

    Children are people who can cause much pain, but also give much joy!  They are eager to learn and ready for new experiences.  Almost never bored, they find an interest in common things like sand and ocean waves.  Their laughter brings contagious glee, and their tears--near heartbreak.  They are free, with open hearts and minds, quick to love and forgive, trusting with unquestioning certainty.
     They have so   much to learn, so many trials ahead. Yet they don't worry about it.  When they venture from their world, the trip is sometimes painful because they come from a magical world where a box can be a house, a rocking chair-a car, and a plastic cup--an afternoon tea.  Soon, they will leave their secret land of little people, only to return when they, themselves, have children.  ⛹

When we were children, play was our work.  Young minds gained much from experience, experimentation and manipulation.  Once we became adults, play was often frowned upon.  "Be serious!  Don't waste time!"  How sad??

Psychologists speak of having a healthy inner child. Jesus said, "Unless we become as children, we shall not enter the Kingdom of God?"  It seems our business lives are in direct opposition to our leisure lives.  Is that true?  Statistically, Americans are more reluctant to use their vacation time than their European peers.  😎⛱  It is not uncommon for vacationing Americans, to take work along.  How many relationships have been harmed by workaholics?   πŸ“±πŸ’Ό  I worked to earn money to improve myself and my family. I know some people who are dedicated and love their jobs, but the jobs don't own them! But for some, work can be an end in itself, and their loved ones may get hurt by the very one who's goal was to make life better.

Why is it so hard to step back and let go of the reigns for a while?? No wonder so many of us are stressed out!

I don't really like to play games. I don't like competition. However, some types of play I enjoy, immensely  My grandmother allowed me to do things my mother rarely permitted.  So, when I was at Grandma's, I played in the dirt whenever I could, mixing wonderous concoctions from the wet mud. Today, I would look at it and say, "Yuck."  What happened over the years to change my viewpoint so drastically?

                   ⏳      ☎     πŸ’ŠπŸ’‰      πŸ“…      πŸ“Œ        πŸ”        πŸ’Ή           

    Adult coloring books have become popular.  A lot of people enjoy them and find not only relaxation, but rediscover their creativity indulging in them.  I did not like to color as a child.  I had a very artistic cousin who would color one page while I did the other.  Hers looked like a masterpiece, while mine barely held the colors within their outlines.  She went on to become an art teacher, and I, a probation officer--still having trouble helping others to stay "within the lines."

THEN, I developed an interest in photography and photo editing. WOW!! The things one can do with Photo Shop and some of the other photo editing programs available.  Most of the time, I edit to make a good picture better, remove flaws or make corrections to an average photo in order to salvage it from the recycling bin.

I discovered that I could play!! I could create crazy art. Turn the world upside down. Have purple snow, and red grass, peculiar shapes, twisted frames and convoluted perspectives.  Artistic?? Exciting? Weird?   

Here is an example of a picture I "recreated."  How could I change the mood? The original is identical in each of the 3 variations I produced.  

    While I would not frame and display them, it was interesting to see what I came up with, just messing around.

Here is another:

Sometimes, I think about how much fun God must have had creating the universe and all that's in it.  How He flung the galaxies as far as He could!  Did He somersault to create the Pyrenees and Himalayas?  πŸŒ„Did He go for a dive after filling the oceans, so that the splashes would make the lakes and rivers?  πŸ’¦   Did He use his thumbprints to form the vegetation? 🌻 Scripture says, it was work. But as I noted, for some, our work is play.  And then He rested.

When we do manage to get away from our projects, don't we come back refreshed? maybe with a new outlook or new ideas ? πŸ’‘  πŸ”Œ What kind of play do you like?  Do you understand it's value?  Maybe it's time to get out the jump rope and roller skates.  See how you might recreate some of your photos. πŸ“·
You never know what might develop.