This should be an easy topic for me. I L💖VE flowers. 🌻 Yet, it is difficult to narrow the theme. Plants are so prolific. There are 250,00-400,00 species of flowers, depending how they are classified. I remind family and friends to send them to me while I am alive to enjoy them. (hint) Flowers at funerals often comfort the living!
It is not only their color, but their scent and texture which are varied and attractive!
Used in so many ways for so many occasions, flowers have been used to brighten our lives since the first child picked a fist full! I recall gathering a handful of dandelions and presenting them to my grandmother.
She reacted as though they were a dozen roses! I had no idea that by dinner time they would go into the trash due to their very limited longevity, once picked. HA! Just try to get them out of your lawn!! Or even a crack in the paving. Such tenacity they have.
With a bit of research, I discovered that the first people to use floral decorations were the Egyptians. Somehow, that did not surprise me. For all the work they did regarding dead kings (and what we do now for deceased queens 😢💂) demonstrate their ornate and intricate use of architecture and items inside of those constructions. There are four periods when flower arranging developed. In addition to the Egyptian, the other periods are Greek, Roman and ancient Chinese. I was not surprised by the inclusion of those cultures, either. If you are interested in learning more, I suggest you check out the website I used for the info:
Here in the Assisted Living where I reside, we are going to have a chance to do some flower arranging soon. There are a few gardens on the property and every floor has an area where potted plants seem to dance in the sunny spots they occupy. Flowers certainly have an emotional impact!!
World renown gardens such as Longwood in Pennsylvania and Buchart in Canada, both of which I had the good fortune of visiting and photographing, seem to be like Paradise. Often, during my travels, I discovered so many oases where all kinds of blooms lifted my spirit. We may not have to venture further than our door, where we simply enjoy our own backyard or neighborhoods.
I like to surprise others with a centerpiece from time to time.
A friend of mine, who encouraged me to write this blog, also has a blog. Her most recent post was about plants. She seems go have not only a green thumb, but the fingers of both hands certainly must be the deepest shade of green. You can view her blogs at and