Monday, October 26, 2020

Time is of the Essence

 There is a time for everythingand a season for every activity under the heavens: Ecclesiastes  

In these days of Covid 19, it seems  even our sense of time has been impacted. Routines and schedules changed. Our plans disrupted. Can you relate to this?

Time is so important in so many ways. 

 There is a count down until the presidential election. New York is the center of New Year’s Eve celebration when the old calendar is retired. Expensive watches are beautiful gifts.

    My computer, and phone, in addition to all my clocks and watches report the hour of the day.

  There are so many phrases about time in our vocabulary. I listed some below, and I am sure some of you could add to it!

                       I love humor and puns. With that in mind, I ventured to   discover how many ways I could, photographically,  illlustrate   some of those phrases. I am posting 10 photos which are numbered. See if you can figure out the title of each.     The answers will be included below, but NO CHEATING.

               English is a peculiar language. We have butter that does not fly,(butterfly). There are at least 3 versions of two, too, to.  Our local newspaper listed the new words  added to our vocabulary due to the Coronovirus. Think of how computers have affected our word useage. 

          I could fill a couple pages of examples, but I think you get the picture!  I challenge you to think of other words like that with similar meaning, or that apply to a particular venue. Pictures or illustrations are optional.

          I hope you have as much fun with it as I did.

 1    2

3                                              4                          


6                                                                     7                                        


9                                                                                   10                                     



Friday, October 16, 2020


   What do you feel when you view this shot?  What do you think of this woman’s expression.  Maybe she was trying not to sneeze! 

 When I took this photo I felt happy. Happy about the subject and the quality of the pictures I captured.

  Where was this woman dancing?  Is she happy? 

   Her clothes are so colorful, it suggested a carnival atmosphere to me.

During this season of the seemingly relentless Coronovirus and  political unrest in our country, there are so many negative happenings that it can become difficult to find anything to make us smile!

I recall the words of the Sound of Music song, My Favorite Things.  Maria tells her young protégés that when bad times come , it helps to think of things that they liked, that gave them happiness. This could lift their mood, just by thinking about them. She liked snowflakes and kittens, and brown paper packages tied up with string.

Here are a few of the things that are among my good memories.


My son, at age 2 in his red hat amid the yellow wild flowers.




There is a scripture that encourages us:    "whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

As I wrote this post, I found I had to limit the number of pictures  I found which made me feel good. I wasn't even aware I have so many!

How about you?  Do you find things to lift you above of muck and mire of life?

Think about it! Maybe you can find the time to scribble a few of them down to look at again,  or pair with your photos.   I bet you will feel better!